Polyvinylformal Enamels

Composed mainly of polyvinylformal, for wires in oil-containing transformers.

Thermal Index: 120
Chemical Basis: Polyvinylformal, 2-Component

This is a polyvinylformal enamel for general purpose, made of high performance polyvinylformal resins and other resins. It’s intended for rectangular and large round wire manufacturing, suitable for transformer wires. With very good flexibility and adhesion. Compared with regular polyvinylformals, its thermal properties are better.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department:  Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index: 120
Chemical Basis: Polyvinylformal, 2-Component

This is a polyvinylformal enamel for general purpose, made of high performance polyvinylformal resins and other resins. It’s intended for rectangular and large round wire manufacturing, suitable for transformer wires. With very good flexibility and adhesion. Compared with regular polyvinylformals, higher solid (up to 25%) are available.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index: 120
Chemical Basis: Polyvinylformal, 2-Component

This is a polyvinylformal enamel for general purpose, made of high performance polyvinylformal resins and other resins. It’s intended for rectangular and large round wire manufacturing, suitable for transformer wires. With very good flexibility and adhesion. Compared with regular polyvinylformals, its thermal properties are better.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department:  Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

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